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Career Snapshots - Rhys Thomas

Posted 07.02.2023
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This career snapshot focuses on Rhys – who has worked at BLUE for more than six years, and has progressed from entry-level through to his current position as Associate Director. During this time, he has enthusiastically gained experience and knowledge of the marine and energy sectors, with a particular interest in the energy transition, future fuels, and clean technologies.


 Favourite thing about working at Blue?

Definitely our clients. I feel really lucky to work with such a diverse set of companies and people, from all around the world. There are many of them that I would count as friends as well as colleagues – and I think that’s probably quite rare indeed!

 Favourite thing to do outside of work? 

I am a voracious reader and I try to cram as many books as I can. But my real passion is probably walking and exploring. And the benefit of living in London is that there’s never a shortage of things to explore!

 What environmental issue do you wish people cared more about? 

Less of an issue and more of a solution; I wish there was more mature conversation about the role that technologies can play to help solve the climate crisis. Whether that’s using nuclear or renewables, we just need to get better about asking each other the right questions about how to save the planet!

 Your proudest moment?  

Early on during my time at BLUE it would definitely have been working with our team to orchestrate a client product launch in Rotterdam. But in the last few years it would have to be part of delivering a massive report on decarbonisation in shipping to a client, as this required me to use every ounce of my industry knowledge.

 What is your top working from home hack? 

Call it old fashioned, but I think that dressing for work, even at home, is a big piece of the puzzle for me. While it’s tempting to keep the pyjamas on, I once read that people find you more persuasive and convincing if you’re wearing smart clothing… so I try to stick to that as much as I can!

 What is the best piece of advice you’ve heard/ favourite quote?

“Ask forgiveness, not permission”. Not for any nefarious reason, but because it means taking constructive action to solve challenges rather than waiting for all of the boxes to be ticked.

 Last thing that made you laugh?

I have been known to be partial now and again to videos of animals doing funny things, and this video of otters trying sparkling water is a new favourite.

 What’s your go-to work snack? 

Chocolate digestive biscuits… 100%.

 What’s your favourite maritime fact? 

I don’t even know where to start with this one, so ask me sometime about how much power tug engines have and what happens if you direct them in the wrong way.

 Most influential book you’ve read? 

The Chosen by Chaim Potok, because of how it constructs part of its narrative around the theme of finding truth in a grey world… it’s a wonderful reminder that, as much as we would like it to be, life isn’t black and white.

 Most exciting project you’ve worked on? 

Supporting a client with their seminars at Marintec in Shanghai. Travelling to what felt like a city from the future was a huge career milestone that I didn’t think I’d get to experience!

 What do you love most about working in PR?

I love language, so supporting people and organisations to express ideas clearly and concisely is a big draw for me. Plus, it’s the feeling of ‘doing the right thing’ and being able to talk about how cool all of our clients are.

Country you’d most like to visit/best work trip? 

I’m lucky to have been able to visit Oslo four times for work and the city has become a personal favourite. But Singapore is also high on my list as a key shipping hub.

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