BLUE is proud to support the day of the seafarer.
Now in its third year, the International Maritime Organisation is leading the charge to raise the profile of the world’s seafaring communities and for us all to recognise the immense contribution that our seafarers make to supporting our way of life, not just amongst the shipping industry, but along the length of global supply chains and among the public at large.We all owe a debt of thanks to the men and women who spend their working lives at sea, often away from their families and friends for long periods of time and taking on tremendous responsibilities under tough, demanding and sometimes dangerous working conditions.
This is the day when we think of them, not as assets or statistics or end users, but as faces. BLUE attended a reception last night hosted by seafarer welfare charity Apostleship of the Sea, whose chaplains and volunteer ship visitors visit thousands of seafarers every year to offer help and support. A port chaplain spoke movingly of the fact that, far too often, the world’s seafarers are an invisible community and reminded us that it is seafarers, not ships, that deliver the products and raw materials that we all reply upon.
Just as social media is providing seafarers with new ways to connect with their families and friends, so social media is also providing a platform today for the rest of us to say ‘thank you’.
Our favourite mentions today include the message of support from IMO Secretary-General Koji Sekimizu on YouTube, GAC Group’s ‘faces of the sea’ gallery on Facebook, CrewToo’s profiles of some of its members on Facebook, the facts and stories shared by the Sailors Society on Twitter and everyone taking the opportunity to say #thankyouseafarer.
Finally, as an important reminder of the need for action on seafarer welfare, as well as words, it’s great to see the free app produced by Lloyd’s Register, which provides an interactive checklist detailing the requirements of the Maritime Labour Convention 2006.
If you haven’t already, we hope you’ll take the opportunity to post your own message of support.
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